Eventually, he rose to the top post in the public defender's office, administering a staff of 28 other lawyers.
He headed the labor-relations department, with a staff of 60 lawyers.
The commission has a $500,000 budget and a permanent staff of four lawyers.
With a staff of 988 lawyers and thousands of cases, it faces enormous challenges.
The panel has five members, a staff of five lawyers and 15 full-time investigators.
For now, many of the cases are left to public interest groups like the center, which has a staff of 40 lawyers in six cities.
In 2008, the public defender had a staff of 74 lawyers in the entire circuit.
The agency has a staff of 12 full-time lawyers, including the director, and five paralegal workers.
He had a staff of two lawyers and two investigators.
Within 10 years, he had built up a staff of 70 lawyers.