As of 2012, the organization has a multinational staff of 102 workers, augmented by a 150-member team comprising volunteers, fishermen and farmers.
She has a staff of three full-time workers with others on call.
The lawn manager will direct a staff of five full-time workers, seven seasonal ones and, when needed, the park's bench, graffiti and horticultural crews.
He is recruiting a staff of 30 to 40 workers who are to be trained with the benefit of Western help.
The Social Security Administration kept open its 100 offices in the metropolitan area, but a staff of only three workers remained at each.
The facility had a single operating room, and with a staff of 20 full-time workers and 80 volunteers, it cared for up to 6,000 animals per year.
With a staff of thirty workers, Rockwell could only promise to pay his employees before the launch of the first issue.
President Bush focused perhaps unwanted attention on them last month when he criticized Congress for having what he suggested was a bloated staff of 40,000 workers.
The office normally has a staff of 90 workers - 10 in appointed positions and 80 in Civil Service jobs.
His staff of 42 workers has been expanded to 65 to prepare for the tournament.