Many employers find that a better work-life balance has a positive impact on staff retention, and on employee relations, motivation and commitment.
It may also contribute to reduced sickness absence, increased staff retention and improved local air quality.
"adverse effect on employee mobility or staff retention"
Employee mobility and staff retention are opposite sides of the same coin.
However, it might be possible to justify this type of discrimination if evidence showed it encouraged staff retention.
Look at the working environment and ask about staff retention and turnover.
Investment in employee development increases their engagement with the business and tends to increase productivity, job satisfaction and staff retention.
By managing work-related travel and promoting sustainable alternatives through a travel plan, you will also demonstrate corporate responsibility and improve staff retention.
The facility presented many design challenges such as electrical backup and water supply, plus staff retention due to the remote location.
Find out why staff leave and how to help staff retention, measure and benchmark turnover, and improve the management of leavers.