The staffing cuts saved the District $1.3 million.
Mr Bartell said staffing cuts were forcing down standards.
Tritaik hopes that the staffing cuts are short-lived and that funding will return in the near future.
But G.M. has threatened to build the plants elsewhere, including Mexico, if the union does not agree to the staffing cuts.
Senior agency staffers said that in smaller departments some of the proposed staffing cuts would leave virtually no managers.
Nevertheless, the staffing cuts weigh heavily on the minds of airport operators.
Many civil servants are already trying to cover two jobs because of staffing cuts.
It did not fully reflect the new round of service and staffing cuts contained in the $31.6 billion budget that took effect in July.
Hospitals and health plans have, in turn, encouraged cost cutting in the form of staffing cuts and service reductions.
But the controllers' union says recent staffing cuts threaten to reverse these gains.