Unstable staffing pattern make team nursing difficult.
When you look at a budget, look at staffing patterns.
The changes will affect the staffing patterns and work routines of almost all hospital employees.
Department officials said they were studying staffing patterns in an effort to cut medical-related overtime.
About 595,800 establishments make up the healthcare industry; they vary greatly in terms of size, staffing patterns, and organizational structures.
Because of cost pressures, many healthcare facilities will adjust their staffing patterns to reduce labor costs.
The new types of ambulances and staffing patterns will be as follows:
They believe, however, that fatigue could play a role in certain hospitals where staffing patterns include long shifts.
It is used to gather information concerning school administration, staffing patterns, curriculum, and student services.
To skirt the limits, which apply to candidates who accept Federal matching funds, many campaigns follow what seem to be bizarre spending and staffing patterns.