Every so often, they would stage a lightning raid across the border.
Schools are required to spend up to £230 a time for the crash courses staged across Britain to prepare teachers for next year's tests.
During the early 1950s it became popular with motorcyclists, who staged regular races across the bridge.
Thousands of young people staged angry protests across Greece for a whole week, attacking police stations in every town.
Millions of others are said to have staged similar events across India on the same day.
In the following months, the group staged dozens of such actions across the country, culminating in the massive demonstration on April 25.
(see Writings by Chambers, below), staged across America and in many other countries.
In late September 2005, the Basij staged a series of urban defense exercises across the country.
Last Thursday, insurgents staged attacks across Iraq that left at least 105 people dead and hundreds injured.
A9 Insurgents staged deadly attacks across Iraq in their efforts to drive out American troops and allies.