The hall has the ability to completely change its look depending on the stage set-up.
O.A.R. was able to perform a full set, despite having to make changes to their stage set-up because of the effect of the weather.
But the tapings - with repeats and breaks for stage set-up - run about 90 minutes.
Performing Arts courses have also benefited from new dance and drama studios, and a stage set-up which simulates a real life theatre environment.
As a televised football game, viewers could see the full stage set-up and often field goals would land on stage at the East end zone.
An essential part of their stage set-up and sound is a turn-of-the-century Victrola Grammaphone.
She later played with a band, and also worked backstage on stage set-up and drove the band's van.
This changed after the late 1960s, when the band's instrumentation was set behind the PA to create the modern audio stage set-up.
It is from this stage set-up that modern monitoring techniques, as well as the concepts of frontline and backline, developed.
The live show was a thinly disguised homage to Prince's late 1980s shows in its grandeur, conceptual stage set-up, and set list.