Fletcher seemed numb after the game, saying he hadn't fully absorbed the reality that the Rams - huge favorites, a staggering collection of talent - had lost.
Offering a glimpse into the staggering collection of the library's holdings, "Celebrating 100 Years" is free and open to the public from May 14th through December 31st.
Rodriguez is the crowning piece in a staggering collection of stars and salaries.
Baron von Thyssen's staggering private collection is arranged chronologically, starting with the early Renaissance.
They seemed to be in competition, west against east, a staggering collection of great stars engaged in some kind of combat.
"A staggering collection of misfortunes and failures," declared Harry C. McPherson of the week.
The library has a staggering collection of books and specialised resource material.
Its staggering collection of over eighty five thousand pieces are beautifully preserved.
The Islamic manuscripts are among the 80,000 objects in its staggering collection.
Behind its modest stucco façade, her house in the Hollywood hills contains a fairly staggering collection of blue-chip contemporary art.