A pensively lyrical Nocturne is followed by a fitfully grotesque Scherzo with a staggeringly difficult violin part.
The piece is staggeringly difficult, Mr. Kalish explained.
And the piano writing, staggeringly difficult, is lots of fun, at least as played here with energy, assurance, flair and sensitivity by David Buechner.
A staggeringly difficult thing to do.
Jane Giering-De Haan executed her staggeringly difficult central aria with grace, even if her small-scale coloratura didn't often create a sense of effortlessness.
The lyrics, which look staggeringly difficult on the page ("Ffeind a difyi ydyw"), tripped off the Welshman's tongue.
Though the tenor Christian Franz brought stamina and fervor to the staggeringly difficult role of Tristan, his singing was patchy in sound and nearly devoid of legato.
Making advanced technology seem simple enough for typical consumers, in other words, can be staggeringly difficult.
Right now, many African countries are in effect killing their own citizens by making it staggeringly difficult for entrepreneurs to open shop.
However, securing a paid internship is staggeringly difficult, giving an enormous advantage to privileged students.