By contrast, turnout was a staggeringly low 0.6% in Syria, where only 9 people voted, out of the 1,542 French residents registered there in late 2010.
Our rates of saving and investment are staggeringly low, in both historical and contemporaneous contexts.
The XO was intended to be manufactured in fantastic quantities, to allow economies of scale to reduce its price to the staggeringly low sum of $100.
This friendly, family-owned restaurant serves well-cooked, simple food, such as clams in garlic sauce and razor shellfish with rice, at staggeringly low prices; three courses cost around £10.
The entire range was up for sale right now, in pieces varying from half an acre to a hundred thousand acres, and at a staggeringly low price.
The game is reportedly glitchy and has little to boast in graphics or sound effects, and has received staggeringly low reviews.
The Amish also had staggeringly low obesity rates - a mere four per cent compared to 31 per cent in the general United States population.
Music of a staggeringly low quality.
Having paid a staggeringly low price for an evening dinner cruise in Prague, we were uncertain what to expect.
Public sector investment has, in particular, been at a staggeringly low level.