Sweden-much like Japan at the same time-transformed from a stagnant rural society to a vibrant industrial society between the 1860s and 1910.
Those who had made Clio a testing ground for their theories would not want a stagnant society.
Thus, while some communities may benefit from the services provided by NGOs, those left apart will remain impoverished in a stagnant society.
At the beginning of the novel, two agents of change are introduced into the stagnant society of Gormenghast.
There is no doubt that I have discovered the ultimate in stagnant human societies.
In stagnant societies, there is a deep psychological need for novelty and stimulation.
In stagnant societies, the past crept forward into the present and repeated itself in the future.
Now they multiply not at all, having maintained a very small stable population and continuing those numbers into the infinite future in a stagnant society.
Consider for the moment that for many centuries we have been a stagnant society, making no progress.
We are, he said, a stagnant society.