Today, critics say, the fund has become an agent for the dispossession of another people, staining its reputation.
With the accord, however, the rebels gain greater representation, while the government seeks to end a war that has stained its international reputation.
But the greatest failure, the one that will forever stain George Bush's reputation, has been in the former Yugoslavia.
They do not want one ugly moment to stain his reputation forever.
But the simple fact that Des had any kind of involvement in such a lurid case could permanently stain his reputation with the church.
This last phase has offered the community an unusual opportunity to revisit a historic event that stained its reputation for more than a generation.
If she was lying, it was a scandal that would stain her reputation forever.
But the same silky style that threatens to stain his pristine reputation at home serves him well as a global schmoozer.
"No, nothing," he said curtly, turning away before he could stain his own reputation for hospitality.
Worse, he'd been horrified, unable to believe she would even consider staining her reputation rather than admit to having tampered with the ship!