Normal cells that stain positively for CD56 include NK cells, activated T cells, the brain and cerebellum, and neuroendocrine tissues.
The percentage of the islet that stained positively for Ogg1 was used as a measure of the number of Ogg1-expressing cells.
However, only pilocytic astrocytomas and ependymomas stain positively for Galectin-3.
Active osteoblasts synthesize, and stain positively for, Type-I collagen and alkaline phosphatase.
In sections from normal oesophageal mucosa, almost all the endothelium in the papillae stain positively for EGF (Fig 3A).
Invasive SCCs are usually moderately differentiated or poorly differentiated and invariably stain positively for keratin.
These are a subset of protoplasmic astrocytes that contain numerous cytoplasmic inclusions, or granules, that stain positively with Gömöri's chrome-alum hematoxylin stain.
Confirmatory staining with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) can be performed as the walls stain positively.
Early lesions, rich in acid mucopolysaccharides, stain positively with alcian blue.
The pallidal deposits stain positively for iron.