The design incorporates an extended staircase linking the basement to the upper levels, and makes use of solar energy to provide electricity.
Shortly after, in 1498, the architect Mauro Codussi completed work on a double staircase linking the upper and lower halls.
C Map Another one of Marseille's 'in' choices, Metal Café sits at the foot of the staircase linking cours Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves with rue Sainte.
The grand staircase linking South Jackson Street with the west entrance was reduced to half its original size, and an addition housing escalators was constructed on the west elevation of the building, which was not in keeping with the building's architecture.
Look for the steely grey door at the foot of the staircase linking cours Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves with rue Sainte.
The station has no above ground buildings, save for concrete shelters offering some weather protection to the staircases linking the platform to the street.
One recalled that Mr. Walsh put in a staircase linking the 29th and 30th floors, then had it changed at a cost he believed exceeded $250,000.
Built into the steeply sloping bank of the River Wear, Dunelm House is notable internally for the fact that the main staircase linking all five levels of the building runs in an entirely straight line.
Birley later blocked off the private staircase linking the Clermont above.
Architectural historian Lydia Greeves has described the interior of Little Moreton Hall as a "corridor-less warren, with one room leading into another, and four staircases linking different levels".