At this point Arkady was no better than a dog trying to uncover a stale scent.
He automatically pressed into the post, and his sensitive nostrils registered the stale scent of dried blood.
She was slim and dark and smelled of stale scent, wine, and sweat.
The stale scent of the mattress, the cold dampness of the floor and the walls, vanished.
There was a faint, unpleasant scent to the air, like something stale or overcooked.
The incense drifted up to Alberich's hiding place, relieving the slightly stale scent of the air.
A stinking fellow wearing stale scent poked my ribs and asked my name.
It all looked perfectly normal, except mixed with the stale scent of bad coffee was the sticky odor of fear.
The stale scent was stronger there, old liquor, ripening garbage, molding rags.
The man smelled of stale cigarettes-an easy scent to follow in the crisp mountain air.