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Further, staling products increase with proximity to the centre.
With the passage of time breads harden; they become staling.
Retrogradation is directly related to the staling or aging of bread.
Bread stored in the refrigerator will have increased staling rates and should therefore be kept at room temperature.
Bread staling occurs when the starch components form hard crystals.
An additional benefit of the switch to metal casks was that staling from oxygen in the air could be reduced.
Staling is not, as is commonly believed, simply a drying-out process due to evaporation.
Crumb softeners are added to bread to reduce or delay staling of the finished baked good.
Bread Staling is associated with the changes in the hydrophilic properties of the crumb that occurs during aging.
Staling, or "going stale", is a chemical and physical process in bread and other foods that reduces their palatability.
Gluten content has been implicated as a factor in the staling of bread, possibly because it binds water through hydration.
In these systems, lactylates are added to strengthen dough and delay bread staling (i.e. soften the crumb).
She had gone on believing that he was married, and their relationship had limped on, sickening and staling.
Among many uses, soy flour thickens sauces, prevents staling in baked food, and reduces oil absorption during frying.
Staling of white bread: changes in carbonyl composition and GLC headspace profiles.
Freezing is the best storage method for breads containing no preservatives to prevent spoilage, whereas refrigeration enhances staling.
On the other hand, staling products of C. lucknowense accelerated the growth of many fungi, including C. keratinophilum.
Staling "Ah, Channa," and Amos took her hands and pulled her into the circle of his arms.
This process is also responsible for the staling, hardening of bread and the water layer on top of a starch gel (syneresis (chemistry)).
The division was located under the Staling Front Reserves by 10 July and reassigned to the 4th Tank Army.
PHGG is used in foods for particulate suspension, emulsification, anti staling, ice crystal control, and reduced fat baked goods.
It is my considered opinion that an angry mob of geriatric, pseudo-royalists can do more harm to a democracy than all the Maos and Staling put together.
Makes bread softer and prevents staling, improves the stability of margarine, makes caramels less sticky, and prevents the oil in peanut butter from separating out.
Atme McCaffrey & S.M. Staling The Perimeter was paying; something of a goodwill gesture.
She had multiple awards including: People's actress award, Merit actress award, she was decorated with Lenin and Staling order's.