Mr. Bloomberg's stance has baffled and angered some Council members and community organizations.
The paper's harsh stance angered the government, which took the highly unusual step of dispatching its No. 2 official, Anson Chan, to speak to Mr. Fenby.
His negotiating stance, bold by hockey standards, has angered some segments of the hockey establishment and has come to be viewed by the Canadian public as an English-versus-French issue.
This stance deeply angered Nicholas I of Russia and was a serious strain to Russo-Austrian relations thereafter.
But the doctors' public stance against the drug, Provenge, has angered some men with prostate cancer and patient advocates.
That stance has angered many in the Bosnian Government, who had hoped to see IFOR troops bring indicted war criminals, most of whom are Serbian, to trial.
This stance angered many officers in the Royal Navy, who believed such a view lacked the heroic aspect of Lord Nelson's strategy in the Napoleonic Wars.
His new stance has angered his opponents, many of whom were once supporters.
His stance angered the Russian embassy which issued a furious statement.
This stance has angered some of the magazine's contributors.