The main door stood wide open making a through draught.
Walker stood in the courtyard for a long time making sure of what his senses told him, then started ahead once more.
He stood there motionlessly for perhaps 10 seconds before making his next decision.
Jim felt numb; ridiculous, to stand here making small talk.
I went up into town: she was standing right on the street making an awful row.
But he had no wish to get involved in introductions or to stand making small talk.
A big textbook company might be able to stand not making the state-approved list, but a small one can't.
"When you're standing on that hill in a village making a movie, you never realize how far your film can travel," he said.
"How do they stand making the same things every day?"
"Basically they'll be standing there watching and making sure everybody is operating in a safe way," the administration official said.