But their disinterest in the issue has made it hard for Mr. Coughlin to get alcohol testing to the floor as a stand-alone bill.
The powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee said he would consider moving quickly on a stand-alone bill to cut tax rates.
But Senate leaders decided to vote on a stand-alone bill in exchange for a commitment from Democrats to limit the debate.
He also made a request, blocked by Senate Republicans, to pass a stand-alone bill to preserve unemployment insurance benefits.
Senator Leahy was an original cosponsor of S. 3201, a stand-alone bill mandating this additional protection for military families.
In fact, Congressional supporters of proprietary colleges had been trying for three years to repeal the 50 percent rule in a stand-alone bill.
Specifically, you overlook that in March it passed as a stand-alone bill by a vote of 369 to 42.
The initiatives are expected to pass the House this month, either attached to other legislation or as a stand-alone bill.
The vote makes Landry the first Louisiana Representative to have a stand-alone bill accepted by the House this year.
E-Verify should be considered as a stand-alone bill.