It is similarly unknown whether Kafka considered publishing the story, or even thought of it as a stand-alone piece.
While some are stand-alone pieces, others form groups that explore general themes using a particular material or methodology.
In the event that a regular artist didn't make deadline, his stand-alone piece would be used without breaking the continuity of the ongoing saga.
ZoomText is a stand-alone piece of software designed for visually impaired people.
Our link journalism can now be found in boxes within stories and as stand-alone pieces.
The videos are stand-alone pieces, which are projected on loop at each party.
The days when copiers or printers were stand-alone pieces of equipment are pretty much gone.
They may be implemented through software running on a host or a stand-alone piece of network hardware.
The most exciting digital artworks made in the last several years have been those that rely upon the Internet for their existence, not stand-alone pieces.
It was later re-worked by the composer into a stand-alone piece.