One musical innovation she made was to add instruments, like the piano, to the standard accompaniment of Portuguese guitars.
And that peas were the standard accompaniment.
Olives and pickled vegetables, such as cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, are a standard accompaniment to meals.
Meals are served with tea, and large bottles of beer, the standard accompaniment to Japanese food, can be bought for about $7.70.
Steak fries, German fried potatoes and creamed spinach are the standard accompaniments of choice.
A mug of tea is the standard accompaniment to a meal in an inexpensive unlicensed eatery, such as a café or "caff".
Chopped garlic, scallions and a thick barbecue sauce are standard accompaniments to the hot pots.
It was hazy and hypnotic: hardly the standard accompaniment for a jazz singer.
In fact, I cannot drink champagne without having food with it - Lanson Black Label is my preferred 'standard' accompaniment.
I disapprove of the standard accompaniments - lemon and milk - as distractions that get in the way of the taste of the tea.