Later, the person under interrogation is asked a standard array of questions about the story, some of which are false.
Users can create profiles and interact with one another with the standard array of social networking tools.
Because each possible vector can appear only once in a standard array some care must be taken during construction.
A standard array can be created as follows:
To construct the standard array, we first list the codewords in a row.
We could, however, have chosen it as the first coset leader and constructed a different standard array.
If we receive the vector 0110 as a message, we find that vector in the standard array.
If we receive the vector 1010, using the standard array above would decode the message as 1110, a codeword distance 1 away.
For last week's presentations, the network even added a new demographic chart to the standard array it always brings out at such events.
It can be assisted or automated by using a standard array.