People may also privately pay a preferred doctor for services like surgery that are included in the standard benefits.
Under the standard benefit, a consumer is personally responsible for $2,850 of drug spending in the coverage gap - the amount from $2,250 to $5,100.
The families of the six military personnel are limited to standard benefits for death in the line of duty.
The Government could encourage reliance on the standard benefits through tax law.
White House officials say the standard benefits will include coverage for services provided by community health centers and other clinics serving low-income people.
The standard benefits will probably include some long-term care, emphasizing services provided outside nursing homes.
Or, more precisely, how soon private insurers should be required to make preventive services for children a standard benefit in any health policy they sell.
They could also get standard benefits in the future.
Under the standard benefit, a Medicare recipient would pay $3,600 of the first $5,100 of drug costs.
The State will have two standard benefits based on high and low shelter costs.