In standard bidding, North's double of the one-spade overcall would be for penalties.
Overcalls of 1NT are played as in standard bidding, showing a strong notrump range of perhaps 15 to 17 HCP.
Two-suited takeouts (unusual notrump or Michaels cuebids, for example) are used in standard bidding with either weak or strong hands.
Federal contracting rules allow agencies to approve deals without standard competitive bidding in "urgent and compelling circumstances."
The Brazilians have successfully employed the Roman System, the Precision System and standard bidding.
Players were required to use standard bidding, so she was barred from employing her favorite Precision system.
A 208-page hard-cover guide to standard bidding and play theory, with a short memoir of Oswald Jacoby, the author's father.
This is different from standard bidding, in which such a sequence would show about 10 points, and club suit could be semi-fake.
The relay method is theoretically superior to standard bidding, especially at the slam level, because one player eventually selects a contract with detailed knowledge of his partner's hand.
This is a constant problem in standard bidding: One tends to assume that a major-suit fit rules out all other strains.