The standard cliche is that we need a better educated workforce.
I agree with you that the international heat must be kept on Iran to clean up its acts; repeating standard cliches does not help, though.
The standard cliches - elegant, rounded, rich, full and the like - are not enough.
And it's my standard cliché that if I could say it in twenty-five words or less, I shouldn't have made the film.
Yet the ministry building's design also debunks many of the standard clichés we hold about late Soviet architecture.
Ewing's standard cliches aside, he has to know Williams is right.
It's too easy to fall back on stereotypes and the standard cliches of permissiveness.
They distorted history to throw in a standard cliché of melodrama?
Some readers may be turned off by the novel's use of standard South Asian clichés.
She utters the standard cliches about children, the poor, the elderly.