Instead, we are going to cover various types of conversations and sentences most commonly used in standard English communication.
The ship had the feel that it had been occupied recently, but there was nothing interesting about it, mostly standard communication and navigation equipment.
Since it was a standard communication, the information was not relayed back to the ship's owner until December 17.
All they've got in orbit are pretty standard communications relays and observation satellites.
With an alien, there might be no standard communication, and the nuance response would become all important.
The walkie-talkie was reverting back to a standard communications block as it clattered down the stairs.
Communicating wirelessly will continue to be more expensive than standard, land-line communications for quite a while.
"Cryptowave for standard communication is most unseemly."
Vanessa said, "We should have standard communications working very shortly!
"Can you pick up any standard communications traffic from Command, San Francisco?"