In the standard cosmology, they are from Mechanus, the Lawful Neutral aligned Outer Plane.
In standard cosmology, comoving distance and proper distance are two closely related distance measures used by cosmologists to define distances between objects.
In standard cosmology the global sense of time is set precisely by the cosmological expansion.
The Local Void also appears to have significantly fewer galaxies than expected from standard cosmology.
"not being able to see past the big bang" You should go study the present inflation based standard cosmology which has replaced the former big bang cosmology.
Conversely a non-zero cosmological constant resulting in an accelerating universe would have been considered non-standard in 1990, but is part of the standard cosmology in 2010.
And that is the data used for testing the standard cosmology.
The Far Realm is a plane far outside the others and often not included in the standard cosmology.
We have the blackbody spectra from the last few weeks, so I went to standard cosmology and asked a simple question.
After Tifft made his proposal, discussion of it was generally confined to detractors of standard cosmology.