Those criticisms were simply wrong: in each of those columns I played entirely fair with my readers, using the standard data in the standard way.
No additional safety bus is required, as the safety information is sent in addition to the standard data on the sercos network.
Other standard data exchange formats such as Vcard can also be used.
The material transfer system and CAD has been the de facto standard data exchange specifications.
The language also has several other more standard data types, including int, float, bool and string.
She walked toward the wall screen where Roarke had already brought up the standard data.
The three standard data repository models (full, differential and incremental) are supported.
While we've pointed out before that text messages do ride carrier networks in a different, higher-priority way from standard data...
For such substances we must insist on getting the standard scientific data.
Member States have to use a common system for the standard data to be regularly collected and reported.