The standards established consistency of program operations and management expectations, accountability for compliance and a culture of professionalism.
These standards establish not only the average grit size, but also the allowable variation from the average.
And it was his personal $5,000,000 contribution, given over 20 years, which made possible much of the reconstruction of suitable buildings to meet the standards established.
The standard of review establishes whether and when the Court and Constitution allow the Government to employ racial classifications.
Taken together, the standards established under this Administration span Model Years 2011 to 2025.
Goldberg went on to state that the issue was not the language, but the "absolutely bizarre standard" for language established after Tucson.
The court in Bensusan Restaurant Corp. v. King, however, deviated from Inset, and established its own more tailored standard.
The WHO standards establish growth of the breastfed infant as the norm for growth.
"The standard that this Court applies will establish the outcome in this case," she said.
These standards are composed of qualitative, not quantitative standards and don't establish a particular level of working conditions, wages or health and safety standards.