News reports, editorials, cartoons - it's got all the standard fixtures of a weekly newspaper.
The standard fluorescent fixture above the sink couldn't produce such an eerie shine.
The house had been gutted and still lacks walls, floors, appliances and other standard fixtures.
But it is uncertain whether failure fees will become standard fixtures.
The machine became a standard fixture in small and large businesses everywhere.
Soon after its invention, the una corda was integrated on pianos of all makers as a standard fixture.
Such satellite linkups have been a standard fixture at business conferences for nearly a decade.
Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens increasingly became a standard fixture of most kitchens.
if those Wats become a standard fixture, we'll have to modify a few things.
To give the show a different look, the actors don't use hidden prompters to feed them their lines, a standard fixture on Televisa sets.