Ordinary kitchens are 'customised' by hanging a choice of door styles onto a standard frame, a practice known as 'front-framing'.
Weiss usually works to the sizes of a range of standard frames, which are mostly finished in metal or gold leaf.
It traditionally is collected by using standard wooden frames in honey supers.
On a traditional road bike, which has a standard triangular frame, there is more than enough room for two large water-bottles.
Included were handguns in both standard and high-capacity frames.
In early cinema history, there was no standard frame rate established.
Large gauge A 70 mm film frame is not only twice as wide as a standard frame but also has greater height.
Ten locomotives were built in 1876 with broad gauge wheels outside the standard double frames.
In many great museums, there is a standard frame for drawings.
For still photography, the standard frame has eight perforations on each side.