For example, one Hyadean starts wearing decorative clothing, whereas the standard garb in Chryse is a grey tunic ensemble.
She wore the standard black garb, including a cloth over her hair, only her face and hands exposed.
The priestess's crimson robe, elaborately embroidered with gold dragons, was standard ceremonial garb among those who served the patron god of bards.
In the interest of tight-fitting jeans, my standard garb, I jog three miles a day on the bicycle path that winds along the beach front.
The angels appear in the standard garb of Biblical angels, who are always portrayed as either wearing white or radiant clothing.
The 16 pro volleyball players, playing two to a side in a knockout tournament, dressed in their standard garb: tank tops, patterned shorts and baseball caps.
Yet it was evidently the standard garb of her culture.
And he has traded his dark suits for standard academic garb: rumpled chinos, sneakers and a tieless shirt.
He wore the standard Indian garb, a cotton shirt, baggy white pants, and sandals.
Soon the cool, comfortable, easy-to-make garment had become standard male garb throughout Zendi.