Speech synthesis units are being incorporated into cars like the Maestro as part of the standard instrumentation.
Partch, one of the great American iconoclasts, worked outside the standard forms and beyond standard instrumentation.
A standard 17-piece instrumentation evolved in the big-bands, for which many commercial arrangements are available.
However, use of bassoons in concert orchestras was sporadic until the late 17th century when double reeds began to make their way into standard instrumentation.
It's odd that Starfleet doesn't insist on standard instrumentation.
Today several ensembles use brass instruments in addition to the standard instrumentation as well as the multiple tenor drum.
Many of his works mix standard instrumentation with computer-generated sound.
In addition to a somewhat standard instrumentation, the ballet also requires the use of the tenor saxophone.
The group, three trombones, an alto saxophone, a drummer and a guitarist, hardly passes as standard instrumentation.
Using standard instrumentation, it is in reference to the local magnetic north direction.