The affirmative will usually argue that their interpretation is superior using the same standards outlined above, they can either use the standards that the negative used or present counterstandards.
Countries and regions were graded based on their commitment to standards outlined in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.
Both the young men and the young women are encouraged to live by the standards outlined in the church's "For the Strength of Youth" booklet.
In contrast, the standards outlined by a formal law can be changed from one day to the next through revision, discontinuation, or replacement by another.
By the standards outlined here, Professor Robbins said, "it sounds like this person might have a grievance."
Certainly, other dealers said, the process encouraged them to show their best works here, items that meet the standards outlined in the 12 pages of vetting guidelines given to exhibitors.
It divides nations into tiers based on their compliance with standards outlined in the TVPA.
Hydrophobic concrete also meets the standards outlined in the definition of waterproof concrete.
Mr. Ruskin said that among major search engines, only Google appeared to be meeting the standards outlined in the trade commission's response.
The proposed project has completed two Environmental Impact Reports and has already met the environmental standards outlined in the development plan.