Even so, standards promulgated by the Child Welfare League of America - upon which the New Jersey bill is based - are tighter yet.
To assure security and commercial neutrality, the repository conforms to standards promulgated by the community of BPI stakeholders.
The standard, promulgated in 1983, was withdrawn in March 2000.
Significant standards promulgated by SMPTE include:
It also meets the standards promulgated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Cost Accounting Standards (popularly known as CAS) are a set of 19 standards and rules promulgated by the United States Government for use in determining costs on negotiated procurements.
By the current standards promulgated by advertising theology and health-club dogma, Mr. Coplans's body is both heretical and slipshod.
- (1) Each State may develop and submit to the Administrator a procedure for implementing and enforcing standards promulgated under this section for affected units located in such State.
ACA's Accreditation is a system of verification that correctional agencies and facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Correctional Association.
The standards promulgated under section 508 are necessary to: