Cooperative group studies that included children aged younger than 36 months, demonstrated poor survival when treated with standard chemotherapeutic regimens alone.
Although there is a standard regimen of drugs, studies have not proved whether surgery can help.
The Oxford group then set out to determine whether even further benefit could be gained by adding other drugs to the standard regimen.
Orlistat is also meant to act as a pharmacological buttress for a standard weight-control regimen.
This has become the standard regimen for leprosy control.
His doctors have said he takes a standard regimen for impaired heart function, though they have not named the drugs.
A standard anaesthetic regimen was used in all patients.
Indeed, this was previously the recommended standard regimen in many countries until the early 1990s, when isoniazid-resistance rates increased.
The combination of platinum and etoposide is the most widely used standard chemotherapeutic regimen.
The standard regimen is one 50 mg tablet per day.