Thus it happens that word processors produce pages the same size as those produced by standard typewriters, even though there is no technological reason for it.
So it would-) A man named Hooven invented a sort of player-piano typewriter which types any given copy over and over again, using a standard typewriter.
The exclamation mark did not have its own dedicated key on standard manual typewriters before the 1970s.
Using standard typewriters, he fills sheets of Japanese paper edge to edge with continuous lines of random letters or words, which form tight, dense, allover linear patterns suggesting fine stitchwork.
In 1935, the company began to produce the Halda-Norden standard typewriter, another licensed design, as model No. 20.
Blickensderfer's typewriter contained only 250 parts compared to the 2,500 parts of a standard typewriter.
It will also make a dent in what may well be a typing problem for those in France clinging to old-fashioned standard typewriters.
Since the last consonant ŋ does not appear on standard typewriters or computer keyboards, it is often replaced by the combination ng-including the apostrophe.
Eth (ð) is more commonly used for this purpose, but đ has the advantage of being able to be typed on a standard typewriter, by putting a hyphen over a d.
Brother international in particular created personal computing devices by attaching a 14" monitor to a standard or ink-jet typewriter.