Protecting the independence and integrity of the standard-setting process.
By guiding the standard-setting process, the government will serve as a catalyst in developing a national network, lowering costs and stimulating investment, the report added.
Each Sponsoring Organization is kept informed of the work of the Joint Committee and is afforded an opportunity to contribute to the standard-setting process.
"The proposed Connecticut legislation is a threat to integrity and objectivity of the standard-setting process," Mr. DeSantis said.
In recent weeks, the two groups have clashed on several accounting issues, posing a danger that the standard-setting process might provide auditors with conflicting guidance.
After years of watching business groups solidify their influence over the standard-setting process, many accounting experts said yesterday that Monday's mini-revolt was long overdue.
FIDH participates in standard-setting processes and promotes the establishment of monitoring mechanisms.
It is an essential element of the EU's influence in the standard-setting process of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation.
This requires attempting to find a balance between the sometimes contradictory interests of companies with different business models involved in the standard-setting process.
NAEP cut scores are determined through a standard-setting process that convenes a cross-section of educators and interested citizens from across the nation.