The Class 19C was delivered with a Watson Standard no. 1A boiler, one of the range of a standard boiler type designed by Watson as part of his standardisation policy.
Despite there being little wrong with the original design, the N class' full steaming potential was not realised because of the failure to capitalise upon a larger boiler, which was a direct consequence of Maunsell's standardisation policy.
In the 1930s many serving locomotives were reboilered with a standard boiler type designed by then CME A.G. Watson as part of his standardisation policy.
This boiler was one of the range of standard type boilers designed by Day's predecessor as CME, A.G. Watson, as part of the latter's standardisation policy.
Coming from a railway company with a well-developed standardisation policy, the 15xx was a strange design finale.
In the 1930s Watson designed a standard boiler type as part of his standardisation policy.
Because the main function of common European standards is to remove technical barriers to trade and to promote the internal market, standardisation policy should be regarded a cornerstone of EU policy for meeting the targets of the revised Lisbon Strategy.
The European Commission is currently working on a 'Standardisation Package', which will include a legislative proposal aimed at revising the existing legal framework on European standardisation and an umbrella Communication which will set the standardisation policy for the next decade.
During the 1930s Day's predecessor as CME, A.G. Watson, designed a standard boiler type as part of his standardisation policy.
In spite of a sweeping standardisation policy by the Reichsbahn imposing simple expansion, a small but consequent number of Maffei Pacifics of a design dating from 1908 were nevertheless considered indispensable for hilly routes with severe axle load limitations and were built new as late as 1931.