Some credit assessments in standardised approach refer to unrated assessment.
This has led to a call in several countries for the development of a national early warning score that would allow a standardised approach to assessing and responding to deteriorating patients.
It provided a standardised approach to epidemiological assessment and uses a standard unit, the disability-adjusted life year (DALY), to aid comparisons.
This first publication was seen as being ahead of its time but even the skeletal book showed the strength of Fred T Jane's standardised approach to data collection.
It is clear that a more standardised approach is needed to safeguard the rights of the Officer and ensure fair treatment across Forces.
A standardised approach encourages competition amongst vendors, leading to increased choice for end users and better performance.
In order to qualify for use of the standardised approach, a bank must satisfy its regulator that, at a minimum:
It is a more standardised approach than the funds flow statement.
A standardised approach to salaries would risk being discriminatory, because it deals with different situations in the same manner.
It aims to promote an increasingly internationally standardised approach.