Both direct observational measures of behavioral symptoms and standardized psychological assessments were used to evaluate the treatment.
Evaluation included site visits, standardized assessments, collection of curriculum, and interviews with teachers, principals, and students.
Mr. Katzman is not wild about standardized assessments, which many states are phasing in at earlier grades.
Annual standardized assessments require students to articulate their understanding and mastery of each subject.
In recent years, Framingham High has been labeled an "over-performing" school on standardized assessments, compared to other districts of similar student populations.
But as a national spokesman for the movement toward standardized assessment, Dr. Crew decided his credibility would be lost.
Typically the system is used to grade only the expository or persuasive topics that dominate standardized assessment.
Preparing for last month's standardized assessments, they sang, "We're gonna bust that test in a major way."
Few standardized assessment tools are available, and studies suggest that, as a result, standardized assessment is rare in the clinical setting.
Annual standardized assessments require students to articulate their understanding and mastery of a topic orally and in writing.