Arcturus IV - fourth planet orbiting the star Arcturus where Arcturans are from.
Each will then have a magnitude of 0, about that of the star Arcturus.
In astronomy, the Arcturus Stream is a stellar stream which includes the nearby bright star Arcturus.
But no less than 17,000 Suns could fit inside the star Arcturus.
Hesiod, who wrote in the early 7th century BC, adds the star Arcturus to this list in his poetic calendar Works and Days.
So, Thucydides can date by the rising of the star Arcturus without having to wade into the confusion of disconnected city-state calendars.
They named it Arcturus (meaning Bear Guardian), after the Behenian fixed star Arcturus.
The fair was opened when the lights were automatically activated when light from the rays of the star Arcturus was detected.
The being came from the star Arcturus, but now dwells beneath the buried city of Alaozar on the Plateau of Sung.
Ktynga (or Norby's comet) is the name of a bluish comet that is currently near the star Arcturus.