This calendar begins on July 26 (heliacal rising of the star Sirius) and runs for 364 days.
This is 60% larger than the radius of the star Sirius, while stellar models indicated it should only be about 12% larger.
Each year, the waters increased when the brilliant star Sirius rose at the same time that the sun did.
Hence, the bright star Sirius has around 2.02 solar masses.
(The accused had also convinced the acquaintance that he hailed from the star Sirius, hence the name of the case).
The sword and belt of Orion and the bright star Sirius followed in subsequent weeks.
Using this instrument he became the first person to measure the angular diameter of the star Sirius.
At 39 degrees, 30 feet, the Queen's southern shaft had been directly targeted on the star Sirius.
The first day of the year was marked by the reappearance of the star Sirius.
I was born on an extraterrestrial spacecraft headed for an artificial world located near the star Sirius.