Achieving stars also adds this to your 'rank', players use this to see how far they are through the game.
Of course, some stars do add some measure of credibility.
"This star has added 25 years to my life," he said.
These stars add to the player's total.
Adds the star: 'We wanted to start another business to keep us going in our old age.'
As is always true with a new world, most of the constellations were familiar, with a few bright stars added or subtracted.
In 2003 the font was changed and a yellow star added, which remain to this day.
The six-pointed star added an inch to each side, so was twelve inches around.
The other shots were simply filmed against black backdrops, with stars added via double exposure.
Various small stars of colored light added them-selves to the ones already present in the viewer.