This makes them move away from each other and so tends to make the star expand.
These aging stars have expanded to many times their original diameters and cooled.
Such a star expands like an inflated balloon to the red giant stage.
The outer envelope of this evolved star has expanded to 39 times the size of the Sun.
Over the next several thousand years, the star will expand, becoming more powerful but with a much cooler surface temperature.
One bright star expanded to fill the dome.
These large pressures cause the layer (and the whole star) to expand.
The star will expand at a major fraction of the speed of light.
It is expected that this star will expand into a red supergiant and end its life as a supernova within a few million years from now.
Although only 30% more massive than the Sun, at this stage the star has expanded to 84 times the Sun's radius.