It was observed to be an irregular variable star ranging from 12 to 14 in apparent magnitude.
The deal is worth half a billion dollars to the pop culture impresario, who has been behind stars ranging from Joni Mitchell to the heavy metal group Guns 'n' Roses.
Mr. Castro has done customization work for stars ranging from the entertainer Jennifer Lopez to the rap artist Eminem, according to a recent news release from the Speed Channel.
It is a slow irregular pulsating variable star of small amplitude, ranging from mag.
NGC 6025 is an open cluster with about 30 stars ranging from 7th to 9th magnitude.
The asterism is made up of 10 stars ranging from 5th to 7th magnitude which form the conspicuous "coathanger", a straight line of 6 stars with a "hook" of 4 stars on the south side.
In those eight years, he worked with stars ranging from Clark Gable to Ava Gardner to Joan Crawford.
T Circini is a B-type star with a period of 3.298 days, ranging in magnitude from 10.6 to 9.3.
R Coronae Australis is an irregular variable star ranging from magnitudes 9.7 to 13.9.
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