There was a collective gasp from the worshipers as the glowing star revealed itself to be flat, like a coin.
To make matters worst, the star revealed to the "Today" show this morning .
Faint little star, half hidden, revealed now and then by the wind; flickering pin-point in a whirling galaxy, the prayer of navigators.see me home.
The ex-football star, who was back in his native Belfast this weekend, has revealed that offers of television work are flooding in.
And then he remembered what he had seen when the star splintered and revealed the new world that was about to come.
The Irish star, who as a child was battered by her mother, revealed that she went to a psychiatrist to sort out her problems.
As the final Harry Potter prepares to premiere, the stars reveal their favourite lines from the films.
From 1893 to 1894 he made celestograms by exposing photographic plates (with no camera) to the night sky until the stars revealed themselves.
Women's top stars reveal how they spent off-season 'on the ranch' and doing 'school work' as they prepare for new season.
New Scientist issue 2643, "Could preon stars reveal a hidden reality?"