Runaway stars tend to collect hunted criminals as they go by, Mark.
On average, metal-rich stars tend to be more likely to have planets and planetary systems.
It was not just the moment to tell him that the stars tend only to mirror the fate of kings and the will of gods.
As you can see, stars tend to fall only into certain regions of the diagram when graphed in this way.
Constellations are prominent because their stars tend to be brighter than other nearby stars in the sky.
The Star - The star is the main character of the film and tends to live throughout the film.
Thus younger stars will tend to have a higher portion of heavy elements in their atmospheres than do the older stars.
These stars of hard science tend to be wishy on politics, but quickly realized they're not so sure what "open" means.
Young, rapidly rotating stars tend to have high levels of surface activity because of their magnetic field.
To a ship traveling at one Ringworld gravity of thrust, stars tend to be three to six years apart.