Like star-crossed lovers, they simply took a long time to get together.
No, she couldn't go into court with nothing more than a story about star-crossed lovers and expect it to work.
Perhaps he didn't want three such star-crossed lovers alone in the woods all day with their weapons.
It features star-crossed lovers who fall in love at the worst possible moment.
She definitely wasn't in the mood for a play about star-crossed lovers!
And it is hard to think of current singers who could top this pair as the star-crossed lovers.
Many of the company's stars will take their turns as the tragically star-crossed lovers.
Every generation, it seems, needs its own film version of Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, now about 400 years old.
Will the star-crossed lovers get it all together and stroll off into the happily ever after?
Buffy's friends all consider their own versions of what might have happened between the star-crossed lovers.