Nicholas was at a star-studded event to receive one of seven Children of Courage awards.
The three remaining candidates in the 1988 race are using star-studded events as curtain raisers for Tuesday's primary.
Do the viewers really care about some star-studded event when they are having trouble putting food on the table?
Last year's overall broadcast was a particularly star-studded event.
This week, the three remaining campaigns returned with star-studded events as curtain raisers for the voting Tuesday, the finale of the primary season.
Winning the title could be worth up to £800 million to the region's economy and see the city playing host to star-studded events.
But the highlight was Hugh Grant, who alone brought a touch of humor and self-deprecation to the star-studded event.
This unprecedented and star-studded event was broadcast live to a multi-million audience worldwide with a gold CD in less than a week.
Peggy's enigmatic response implies that there is always something just around the corner, whether it's a wedding or a star-studded event.
Seats for the star-studded event at the Plaza Hotel tomorrow night sold for $1,000 to $100,000.